15 PhD positions are now open

15 PhD positions are now open

MSCA Doctoral Network project

Pubblicato: 05 ottobre 2023 | Innovazione e ricerca

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15 PhD positions are now open in the MSCA Doctoral Network project on “Human footprint on water from remote cold areas to the tropical belt. INtegrated Approach TO secure water QUAlity by exploiting Sustainable processes'' (IN2AQUAS). In particular, the PhD position DC12 will be assigned for a research in Chemistry for the Environment at our Department:

Life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology to address the environmental sustainability of new materials developed and used to treat waste water, at laboratory and pilot scale (University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy) Supervisor: Prof. F. Passarini.”

Here is the link to the Euraxess for more details:


The PhD position is open to applicants of all nationalities, with the limitation that at the time of recruitment, researchers must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work and/or studies) in the country of enrolment for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the date of enrolment. The applicants must not have been awarded a doctoral degree at the time of recruitment.