BloW-UP, Balkans Waste to Products: transfer of NoI model to Balkan area: desiloing new waste-derived raw materials and developing new applications.

The development of marketable products starting from waste (mining sludge and agro-residues) can have a clear positive impact on the environment since it decreases the amount of waste to be disposed of. The scouting of innovative applications of waste-derived materials and the development of already identified products/applications will foster the development of new skills (innovative waste management processes; use of alternative materials in existing processes/products; etc.). BloW-uP RIS project intends to transfer the EIT RawMaterials NoI model to ESEE countries, supporting the de-siloing and development of new applications for a better waste and raw materials management. The scope is to create the basis for helping (local) companies and entrepreneurs together with Academia and Research (the knowledge triangle) in the development of new solutions/products/processes based on waste derived secondary raw materials. Blow-uP is also an outreach of FREECATS NoI and will exploit its asset and expertise widening the impact to new products and markets.

Durata del progetto/Project duration

Unibo Team Leader
Fabrizio Cavani

Responsabile scientifico per il Dipartimento
Fabrizio Cavani



  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (National Research Council), Italy (Lead Partner)
  • Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC), Spain
  • University of Bologna, Italy
  • Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy
  • University of Oulu, Finland
  • University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • LIR Evolution, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • TEHNOSINT d.o.o., Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • IOCCP-BAS, Bulgaria

Finanziamento120.820 €

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