Pubblicazioni scientifiche
V.G. Albano; M. Monari; F. Demartin; P. Macchi; C. Femoni; M.C. Iapalucci; G. Longoni, Synthesis and chemical behavior of [MFe4(CO)16]n− (M=Au, Zn, Cd, Hg) clusters: X ray structure of [NMe3CH2Ph]2[Au{Fe2(CO)8}2]Cl and [PPh4]2[Cd{Fe2(CO)6(μ-CO)2}2]2CH3CN, «SOLID STATE SCIENCES», 1999, 1, pp. 597 - 606 [Articolo in rivista]
de Biani, FF; Femoni, C; Iapalucci, MC; Longoni, G; Zanello, P; Ceriotti, A, Redox behavior of [H6-nNi38Pt6(CO)(48)](n-) (n=4-6) anions: A series of metal carbonyl clusters displaying electron-sink features, «INORGANIC CHEMISTRY», 1999, 38, pp. 3721 - 3724 [Articolo in rivista]
Vincenzo G. Albano; Carlo Castellari; Cristina Femoni; Maria Carmela Iapalucci; Giuliano Longoni; Magda Monari; Maddalena Rauccio; Stefano Zacchini, Synthesis and structural characterization of [NEt4][Fe3(μ3-O)(μ3-AuPPh3)(μ-CO)3(CO)6], the new [Au6(μ3-S)2(PPh3)6][Fe3(μ3-S)(μ-AuPPh3)(CO)9]2 and [Au6(μ3-S)2(PPh3)6][Fe5(μ3-S)2(CO)14] ionic solids containing assemblages of cluster-cations and cluster-anions, «INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA», 1999, 291, pp. 372 - 379 [Articolo in rivista]
Calderoni, F; Demartin, F; de Biani, FF; Femoni, C; Iapalucci, MC; Longoni, G; Zanello, P, Electron-sink behaviour of the carbonylnickel clusters [Ni32C6(CO)(36)](6-) and [Ni38C6(CO)(42)](6-): Synthesis and characteriztion of the anions [Ni32C6(CO)(36)](n-) (n = 5-10) and [Ni38C6(CO)(42)](n-) (n = 5-9) and crystal structure of [PPh3Me](6)[Ni32C6(CO)(36)]center dot 4 MeCN, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY», 1999, 4, pp. 663 - 671 [Articolo in rivista]
Demartin, F; Femoni, C; Iapalucci, MC; Longoni, G; Macchi, P, New Ni-Pt carbonyl clusters with a tetrahedron of platinum atoms encapsulated in an incomplete tetrahedron of nickel atoms: [Ni36Pt4(CO)(45)](6-) and [Ni37Pt4(CO)(46)](6-), «ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE. INTERNATIONAL EDITION», 1999, 38, pp. 531 - 533 [Articolo in rivista]
G. Longoni, C. Femoni, M. C. Iapalucci, P. Zanello, Electron-Sink Features of Homoleptic Transition-Metal Carbonyl Clusters, in: Metal Clusters in Chemistry, Verlag GmbH, Wiley-VCH, 1999, pp. 1137 - 1158 [Capitolo/Saggio in libro]
Facchini M.C.; Fuzzi S.; Zappoli S.; Andracchio A.; Gelencsér A.; Kiss G.; Krivácsy Z.; Mészáros E.; Hansson H.C.; Alsberg T.; Zebühr Y., Partitioning of the organic aerosol component between fog droplets and interstitial air, «JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH», 1999, 104, pp. 26821 - 26832 [Articolo in rivista]
Albano V.G.; Castellari C.; Iapalucci M.C.; Longoni G.; Monari M.; Paselli A.; Zacchini S., Synthesis, chemical characterisation and molecular structure of [Ag3{μ3-Fe(CO)4}(dppm)3][NO 3] and [Au3{μ-Fe(CO)4}(dppm)2][Cl]1, «JOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY», 1999, 573, pp. 261 - 266 [Articolo in rivista]
Boga, C.; Bonamartini, A. C.; Forlani, L.; Mezzina, E.; Pompa, A.; Sgarabotto, P.; Spinelli, D.; Todesco, P. E., C-H/N-H tautomerism of tetrakis-(2-benzothiazolyl)ethane, «JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH. SYNOPSES», 1999, -, pp. 410 - 411 [Articolo in rivista]
Marotta, Emanuela; Righi, Paolo; Rosini, Goffredo, The Bicyclo[3.2.0]heptan-endo-2-ol and Bicyclo[3.2.0]hept-3-en-6-one Approaches in the Synthesis of Grandisol: The Evolution of an Idea and Efforts to Improve Versatility and Practicality, «ORGANIC PROCESS RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT», 1999, 3, pp. 206 - 219 [Articolo in rivista]
Baldazzi, Claudia; Calderoni, Francesca; Marotta, Emanuela; Piani, Silvano; Righi, Paolo; Rosini, Goffredo; Saguatti, Stefano; Tiozzo, Roberta; Calandra, Sebastiano; Venturelli, Francesca, Medium sized lactones with hypolipidaemic and antioxidant activity: synthesis and biological evaluation of promising dual-action anti-atherosclerosis drugs, «BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY», 1999, 7, pp. 411 - 418 [Articolo in rivista]