Pubblicazioni scientifiche
Raffaele Cucciniello, Daniele Cespi, Matteo Riccardi, Elena Neri, Fabrizio Passarini, Federico Maria Pulselli, Maleic anhydride from bio-based 1-butanol and furfural: a life cycle assessment at pilot scale, «GREEN CHEMISTRY», 2023, 25, pp. 5922 - 5935 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Gianvittorio S.; Gualandi I.; Tonelli Domenica, ALP-Based Biosensors Employing Electrodes Modified with Carbon Nanomaterials for Pesticides Detection, «MOLECULES», 2023, 28, pp. 1 - 13 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Bia, F; Gualandi, I; Griebel, J; Rasmussen, L; Hallak, B; Tonelli, D; Kersting, B, Heterobimetallic conducting polymers based on salophen complexes via electrosynthesis, «JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY. C», 2023, 11, pp. 2957 - 2969 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Centonze G.; Portolani C.; Righi P.; Bencivenni G., Enantioselective Strategies for The Synthesis of N−N Atropisomers, «ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE. INTERNATIONAL EDITION», 2023, 62, pp. 1 - 15 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Mejia Duque Torres C.; Ciacci L.; Passarini F., Phosphorous flow analysis and resource circularity at the province level in north Italy, «SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACY», 2023, 33, pp. 1 - 11 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Francesco Arfelli, Daniela Maria Pizzone, Daniele Cespi, Luca Ciacci, Rosaria Ciriminna, Paolo Salvatore Calabrò, Mario Pagliaro, Francesco Mauriello, Fabrizio Passarini, Prospective life cycle assessment for the full valorization of anchovy fillet leftovers: The LimoFish process, «WASTE MANAGEMENT», 2023, 168, pp. 156 - 166 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Francesco Arfelli, Luca Ciacci, Fabrizio Passarini, Application of the Life Cycle Assessment to a vermicomposting process: an innovative pathway to produce high-quality soil conditioner, in: Application of the Life Cycle Assessment to a vermicomposting process: an innovative pathway to produce high-quality soil conditioner, 2023(atti di: ICCE 2023: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHEMISTRY AND THE ENVIRONMENT, Venezia, 11-15/06/2023) [Poster]
Sheikh M.A.K.; Kowal D.; Mahyuddin M.H.; Onggo D.; Maddalena F.; Dang C.; Cala' R.; Auffray E.; Witkowski M.E.; Makowski M.; Drozdowski W.; Cortecchia D.; Dujardin C.; Birowosuto M.D., Solution-Processable A2XY4 (A=PEA, BA; X= Pb, Sn, Cu, Mn; Y=Cl, Br, I) Crystals for High Light Yield and Ultrafast Scintillators, «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE», 2023, 70, pp. 1384 - 1391 [Articolo in rivista]
Sheikh M.A.K.; Kowal D.; Mahyuddin M.H.; Cala' R.; Auffray E.; Witkowski M.E.; Makowski M.; Drozdowski W.; Wang H.; Dujardin C.; Cortecchia D.; Birowosuto M.D., A2Bn-1PbnI3n+1 (A = BA, PEA; B = MA; n = 1, 2): Engineering Quantum-Well Crystals for High Mass Density and Fast Scintillators, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. C», 2023, 127, pp. 10737 - 10747 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Vukovic O.; Folpini G.; Wong E.L.; Leoncino L.; Terraneo G.; Albaqami M.D.; Petrozza A.; Cortecchia D., Structural effects on the luminescence properties of CsPbI3 nanocrystals, «NANOSCALE», 2023, 15, pp. 5712 - 5719 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Kowal D.; Makowski M.; Witkowski M.E.; Cala' R.; Kuddus Sheikh M.A.; Mahyuddin M.H.; Auffray E.; Drozdowski W.; Cortecchia D.; Birowosuto M.D., PEA2PbI4: fast two-dimensional lead iodide perovskite scintillator with green and red emission, «MATERIALS TODAY CHEMISTRY», 2023, 29, pp. 1 - 7 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Folpini G.; Palummo M.; Cortecchia D.; Moretti L.; Cerullo G.; Petrozza A.; Giorgi G.; Srimath Kandada A.R., Plurality of excitons in Ruddlesden-Popper metal halides and the role of the B-site metal cation, «MATERIALS ADVANCES», 2023, 4, pp. 1720 - 1730 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Bonazza, Gregorio; Girault, Hubert H.; Lesch, Andreas; Daniele, Salvatore, Simultaneous local sensing of two chemical properties with Dual Soft Probe Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy, «ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA», 2023, 462, pp. 1 - 11 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Eleonora Rossi; Daniele Cespi; Fabrizio Passarini; Irene Maggiore; Leonardo Setti, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of a Bio-Fuel Cell Fed with Waste Biomass: Potential for Scale-Up and Process Optimization, in: International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment – ICCE 2023 - Book of Abstract, 2023, pp. 319 - 319 (atti di: International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment – ICCE 2023, Venice, 11-06-2023) [Riassunto (Abstract)]
Marchi L.; Fantuzzi S.; Cingolani A.; Messori A.; Mazzoni R.; Zacchini S.; Cocchi M.; Rigamonti L., A proficient multivariate approach for iron(ii) spin crossover behaviour modelling in the solid state, «DALTON TRANSACTIONS», 2023, 52, pp. 7684 - 7694 [Articolo in rivista]
Daniele Cespi, Raffaele Cucciniello, Matteo Riccardi, Elena Neri, Fabrizio Passarini, Federico Maria Pulselli, Maleic anhydride production from renewables: a life cycle assessment at pilot scale, in: BOOK OF ABSTRACT, 2023(atti di: 18th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment – ICCE 2023, Venice, 11-15 June 2023) [Poster]
Gianvittorio, Stefano; Tonelli, Domenica; Lesch, Andreas, Print-Light-Synthesis for Single-Step Metal Nanoparticle Synthesis and Patterned Electrode Production, «NANOMATERIALS», 2023, 13, pp. 1 - 21 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
Ragazzini I.; Gualandi I.; D'Altri G.; Di Matteo V.; Yeasmin L.; Cassani M.C.; Scavetta E.; Bernardi E.; Ballarin B., Polyaniline/poly (2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid) modified cellulose as promising material for sensors design, «CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS», 2023, 316, pp. 1 - 11 [Articolo in rivista] Open Access
V.Di Matteo, M.C.Cassani, B.Ballarin, ENCAPSULATION OF SNAIL SLIME IN METAL ORGANIC FRAMEWORK ZIF-8, in: C3-Day 2023, 2023(atti di: C3-Day 2023, Bologna, 5 Giugno 2023) [Poster]
V. Di Matteo, M. C. Cassani, B. Ballarin, S. Panzavolta, M. F. Di Filippo, F. Bonvicini, Encapsulation of snail slime in metal organic framework ZIF-8, in: MOFschool2023, 2023(atti di: 3rd International School on Porous Materials: MOFschool2023, Como, 19-23 Giugno 2023) [Poster]